National Growth Fund
awarded SolarNL
€312 million

The total program budget amounts to 898.3 million euro, of which 586.8 million euro is covered by private financing. The requested National Growth Fund subsidy is 312.0 million euro (35%). The academic partners and TNO have acquired parallel public investments that will strongly benefit the program to a total amount of 181 million euro.

An economic analysis by Roland Berger consultancy shows that the program will lead to an expected additional added value for economic sectors in the Netherlands of 500-700 million euro/year in 2031 and cumulatively to 20-25 billion euro in 2050. The societal benefits of the program are multiple and include strategic independence for our energy supply, production under responsible working conditions in Europe, environmental benefits through the use of more sustainable value chains, circularity approaches such as recycling, reduced use of materials, and strong reduction of CO2 emissions.

The SolarNL program is based on the following references and policy reports